Magic M4A to MP3 Converter is a simple utility that can be used as an audio converter and extractor. It was designed to convert M4A and AAC audio files into MP3, WAV, and WMA mainly. However, it can also extract the audio soundtrack of video files and save it in various formats. It supports batch processing, so that you can add several source files for conversion or audio extraction.
The program is really easy to use. Basically, you add your source files and select an output format, and that is all you need to start the conversion process. By default, the resulting audio files are stored in the same folder as the source file(s), though you are also allowed to specify an alternative output folder. Besides, using the "Settings" window you can configure additional parameters, like the WMA bit rate, or set the program to shut down your PC automatically when the process has finished.
A very important detail about this program is that it performs its MP3 encoding using a popular third-party encoder, called LAME, which comes with the program. Thus, the configuration of the MP3 output takes place in a separate window. The program also allows you to have a preview of any added file thanks to a built-in media player that opens in a new window. Finally, as an additional tool, the program includes a CUE file editor.
In conclusion, Magic M4A to MP3 Converter is a helpful utility to transform audio files from one format into another, or to extract the audio stream of your video files easily and quickly.